Donate now.
Giving through a community foundation, like Nikau, allows you to give back to the people, places and causes that are closest to our hearts long into the future. You choose the cause or fund, and we invest and grow your gift so it gives back to our communities forever.
I would like to donate to…
Caroline Boyd Memorial Fund
Established in 2017 to support the advancement of youth, women and community development – areas Caroline was extremely passionate about.
Foureyes Fund
Providing a reliable, long-term funding stream to support the Foureyes Foundation’s mission to make sure kiwi kids have access to life-changing eye care for generations to come.
Nikau Kāpiti Fund
Dedicated to building long-term support for communities throughout the Kāpiti Coast.
Nikau Wellington Fund
Dedicated to building long-term support for communities throughout Wellington City.
St Matthew’s Old Girls’ Endowment Fund
Dedicated to support the ongoing development of St Matthew’s Collegiate School and support its students today, tomorrow and long into the future, with particular attention to protecting the future of scholarships.
Creative Kāpiti Fund
Dedicated to promoting, fostering interest and encouraging participation in the arts in Kāpiti.
Cure Parkinson’s NZ Wellington Fund
Dedicated to support all aspects of Cure Parkinson's NZ's work, including funding crucial research, increasing awareness and education, and lobbying for legislative change, long-term.
Friends of the Wellington Botanic Garden Fund
Dedicated to help promote the development of the Wellington Botanic Garden ki Paekākā, support ongoing projects that enrich the site and foster public interest in its educational, historical, cultural, recreational and scientific significance.
Lilburn Residence Support Fund
Established by the Lilburn Residence Trust to provide long-term support to preserve the legacy of significant New Zealand composer, Douglas Lilburn.
Futuna Chapel Fund
Established to offer long-term support for Futuna Chapel and the heritage of John Scott and Jim Allen.
Nikau Community Fund
Established to create a flourishing Greater Wellington region by flexibly responding to where the needs are greatest.
Nikau Wairarapa Fund
Dedicated to building long-term support for communities throughout the Wairarapa.
Sir Jon Trimmer Scholarship Fund
Established in 2024 following the death of legendary dancer, Sir Jon Trimmer, the Sir Jon Trimmer Scholarship Fund will offer transformative opportunities for local Kāpiti performing and visual arts practitioners long into the future.
Friends of Old St Paul’s Endowment Fund
Dedicated to support the Friends’ vision of supporting Heritage New Zealand in restoring, preserving and enhancing this important Wellington heritage site.
Ngā Manu Endowment Fund
Dedicated to support the operations and development of Ngā Manu Nature Reserve long-term, assisting with maintaining reserve assets and providing opportunities to educate and engage the public with conservation initiatives.
Nikau Porirua Fund
Dedicated to building long-term support for communities throughout Porirua.
Ōtari-Wilton’s Bush Fund
Established by the Ōtari-Wilton’s Bush Trust, the fund is dedicated to enhancing and developing Ōtari-Wilton’s Bush.

How does it work?

Discover other ways to give.
There is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to giving through Nikau Foundation. While some choose to establish an individual fund based on their interests, others choose to give as a family, leave a gift in their will or give monthly online.