How we invest
It is our mission to build reliable long-term funding streams to support the people and places of Te Upoko-o-te-Ika-a-Maui the Greater Wellington region, forever.
We invest our endowment assets with the long-term goal of generating strong investment results whilst protecting the real value of the capital that our donors have generously gifted.
Our aim is to secure the social, economic and environmental wellbeing of our region – now and in future. As part of this commitment, we work closely with both Harbour Asset Management and Craigs Investment Partners to ensure all of our investments are made responsibly in line with our organisational values.

Investing for the future
Nikau Foundation’s endowment pool consists of a collection of permanent funds, established over time through gifts and bequests. Some organisations also choose to create endowment funds with us, leveraging our financial and investment expertise, to generate an enduring source of funding to support the delivery of their organisational mission.
Our endowment funds are ring-fenced and strict separation is maintained between Nikau Foundation’s endowment and operating assets. Our endowment investments, except for directly-held property are pooled into two portfolios managed by Harbour Asset Management and Craigs Investment Partners to maximise returns while safeguarding the growth of our funds. Although occasionally (and usually temporarily) donated legacy assets may be retained for the benefit of a single endowment fund.
A proportional share of the net portfolio earnings (including market revaluations) is allocated to each of the participating endowment funds at the conclusion of every month. To secure the maximum return for our community, all of our investments, as well as our investment policy, are overseen by Nikau Foundation’s Board of Trustees.
Benchmark Asset Allocation
Balanced Asset Allocation
Funds under management
As at 30 September 2023
Investment Partnerships
Nikau Foundation is proud to partner with Harbour Asset Management and Craigs Investment Partners, whom each manage 50% of Nikau Foundation's pooled endowment portfolio of securities. Actual allocations are managed within the ranges outlined in Nikau Foundation's Statement of Investment Principles and Objectives (SIPO).
Craigs Investment Partners
Craigs Investment Partners (Craigs) is one of New Zealand's largest investment advisory and management firms, offering investment advice to private, corporate and institutional clients since 1984. With a focus on the long-term, a track record of strong investment returns and emphasis on social and environmental responsibility, Craigs mirrors Nikau's growth aspirations and organisational values.
Harbour Asset Management
Harbour Asset Management is a Wellington-based Institutional Fund Manager managing more than $7.1 billion for a variety of clients including charitable trusts, community trusts, iwi and crown financial institutions. With a track record of strong investment returns and organisational commitment to effecting positive change for our local communities, Harbour aligned with Nikau Foundation's growth and giving aspirations.

Our Impact in 2023
2023 transformative for Nikau in so many ways. As an organisation, we have welcomed new donors, delivered almost $1.2 million in funding to support the people and places of our region, committed nine new funds that will give back long into the future and worked alongside two iconic Wellington sites to establish legacies so they can be visited, admired and enjoyed for generations to come.
To read about our impact in 2023, download our Impact Report below.