News, Stories and Updates
Stories of Impact.
Every year we make grants to community organisations doing great mahi to uplift and support their communities. Read more about these brilliant initiatives and the role Nikau Foundation funding has played in their stories.
Stories of generosity.
There is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to giving through Nikau Foundation. While some choose to establish an individual fund, others choose to leave a gift in their will. Read the stories of generous people pledging to create transformational change for the people and places they love.
Updates from Nikau.
From our latest announcements to information about the many benefits of the community foundations model, read all of the latest updates from Nikau Foundation here.

Our Impact in 2023
2023 transformative for Nikau in so many ways. As an organisation, we have welcomed new donors, delivered almost $1.2 million in funding to support the people and places of our region, committed nine new funds that will give back long into the future and worked alongside two iconic Wellington sites to establish legacies so they can be visited, admired and enjoyed for generations to come.
To read about our impact in 2023, download our Impact Report below.