Safeguarding your organisation’s impact.
More and more, organisations are looking for strategic ways to safeguard their impact, to maximise their fundraising efforts, achieve their growth goals, have more strategic conversations with donors, and futureproof in a powerful, practical way.
Organisational funds provide a reliable long-term fundraising vehicle to support your vision long into the future, making sure people can benefit from your services, visit the places you’ve built or enjoy the experiences you create for generations to come.
A reliable, long-term fundraising vehicle
Nikau understands that healthy, happy, thriving communities require long-term, sustainable support and resources. That’s why we invest and grow the gifts we receive, however big or small, to create positive change for our region today, tomorrow and long into the future.

Benefits of establishing an organisational fund
A reliable, cost-effective model
Nikau Foundation is committed to building reliable, long-term funding streams for your organisation. By establishing a fund with Nikau Foundation, your organisation will benefit from our low-cost structure and economies of scale to maximise your fundraising efforts.
To protect against market volatility, Nikau Foundation’s distribution policy, which takes a long-term approach, aims to smooth out market highs and lows, giving out 3.5% of the fund value (adjusted for inflation) most years.
Build relationships with donors
Having an organisational fund offers the opportunity to have more strategic conversations with your donors, offering an alternative giving option that allows them to support your organisation long into the future.
While the real value of your donors’ gifts will be protected over time, a portion of their gift will continue to benefit your organisation through an annual grant, long into the future.
A safe pair of hands
Creating an organisational fund means putting the next chapter of your organisation in a safe pair of hands. Nikau will handle all ongoing compliance, governance and reporting, so you can rest easy knowing everything is taken care of and can concentrate on the day-to-day.
Professional fund management
Your gift will be responsibly invested and grown by Harbour Asset Management and Craigs Investment Partners, who invest in line with our Statement of Investment Policy and Objectives (SIPO), our organisational values and commitment to creating better outcomes for our communities.
Benefit from enduring trusteeship
Nikau Foundation has a well-established volunteer Board of Trustees with a diverse set of skills and a deep connections and love for our local community.
Leaders in their respective sectors, our trustees bring expertise in marketing, investment, governance and law. Through this structure, your Fund will benefit from enduring trusteeship, so your organisation’s story, the services you offer, the places you’ve built and the experiences you’ve created can continue to benefit our communities long into the future.
Tap into our marketing expertise
Every organisation has a unique story that deserves to be shared and amplified. Whether you are the guardian of an important part of Wellington’s heritage, the provider of an impactful community service, a school or a creator of transformative experiences, we will ensure that your organisation’s story is told through powerful, tailored communications and marketing.
We will work with you one-on-one to profile your Fund, encourage donations and complement your existing operational fundraising initiatives.
We are a…
Many Old Girls’ or Old Boys’ organisations, like Chilton Old Girls’ and St Matthew’s Old Girls’ have a mission to provide ongoing, sustainable support for the school they love and provide opportunities for its students. Establishing a fund provides a reliable, long-term fundraising stream to achieve just that.
Placed-based organisation
Iconic sites throughout the Greater Wellington region such as Old St Paul’s, Wellington Botanic Garden Paekākā, Ngā Manu Nature Reserve and Experience Wellington sites have made strategic steps to safeguard the next chapter by establishing a Fund.
By creating a long-term fundraising vehicle, these sites will be preserved so they can be enjoyed by our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Service organisation
Service-based organisations such as Women’s Refuge, the Foureyes Foundation and the Rotary Club of Otaki have an impressive history of uplifting our communities.
By establishing Funds, these important organisations are safeguarding their impact so it can continue to benefit the people and places of our region long in to the future.

Our Impact in 2023
2023 transformative for Nikau in so many ways. As an organisation, we have welcomed new donors, delivered almost $1.2 million in funding to support the people and places of our region, committed nine new funds that will give back long into the future and worked alongside two iconic Wellington sites to establish legacies so they can be visited, admired and enjoyed for generations to come.
To read about our impact in 2023, download our Impact Report below.
Start the conversation
For the next chapter of your organisation, Nikau Foundation is a safe pair of hands. To discuss how we can help you to safeguard your impact, maximise your fundraising efforts and support your organisation’s vision long into the future, get in touch.