Organisational Funds

Our Organisational Funds

Nikau Foundation is committed to ensuring the places we hold dear in our hearts are preserved for future generations. We would like to thank the organisations who have chosen to work with us, working together to support a rich and vibrant region.  

Creative Kāpiti Fund

Dedicated to promoting, fostering interest and encouraging participation in the arts in Kāpiti.

Read their story

Wheako Pōneke Experience Wellington Fund

Nikau Foundation is delighted to be partnering with Wheako Pōneke Experience Wellington to secure some of Wellington’s most iconic cultural sites. The fund will become a lasting legacy ensuring future generations can access, learn and be inspired by Wellington Museum, Space Place at Carter Observatory, Capital E, City Gallery and many more.

Read their story

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FourEyes Fund

In partnership with Nikau Foundation, the Foureyes Fund aims to identify and treat New Zealand children with eyesight problems and provide affordable eyewear.

Read their story.


Friends of the Wellington Botanic Garden Fund

The Friends of Wellington Botanic Garden support the delivery of an annual programme of events, lectures and workshops designed to deepen the engagement of the community with the Garden. Celebrating 150 years since the Garden’s establishment and determined to secure its cultural richness, the Friends have established the fund to ensure future generations can enjoy this important heritage site. Read their story.

Cure Parkinson’s NZ Wellington Fund

Cure Parkinson's NZ's mission is to find a cure for Parkinson's through crucial research, advocacy, community awareness and education, and lobbying for legislative change.

All donations made to the fund will be responsibly invested, grown and protected to support all aspects of Cure Parkinson's NZ's work, including funding crucial research, increasing awareness and education, and lobbying for legislative change, long-term. 

Read their story.

Chilton Old Girls’ Association Endowment Fund

Established in 2018, the Chilton Old Girls’ Association Fund is dedicated to improving student outcomes and opportunities, providing grants to improve equity for disadvantaged students and reduce barriers for participation in a full school life, and for improving school facilities.

“Having an endowment fund means people who are thinking of giving to us can see that their donation will be giving to their grandchildren and even their great-grandchildren.”

Matu Booth, Nga Manu Manager


Ngā Manu Fund

Establishing a lasting legacy for the conservation and preservation of our native flora and fauna. Read their story.

Ōtari-Wilton’s Bush Fund

Established by the Ōtari-Wilton’s Bush Trust to support iconic Wellington conservation site, Ōtari-Wilton’s Bush for generations to come.

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Rotary Fund of Ōtaki Fund

Established to create a lasting legacy for the people and places of Ōtaki.

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St. Matthew’

s Old Girls’ Association Fund

The St. Matthew’s Old Girls’ Association Fund aims to help to students to reach their potential in the spirit of the school’s motto; Ad Astra Per Aspera - 'to the stars through endeavour'.


The Friends of Old St Paul’s Fund 

Supporting this historic Wellington landmark – now and into the future. 

The Futuna Chapel Fund

Dedicated to support Futuna Chapel and preservation of the heritage created by John Scott and Jim Allen long-term.

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The National Collective of Independent Women’s Refuges Fund

Ensuring critical support services, programmes and refuges for women and children experiencing family violence. 


Wairarapa Nurses and Midwives Educational Fund

Providing scholarships for the development of professionals located in the Wairarapa region.


Wellington Youth Cricket Development Fund

Committed to supporting young people to realise their potential in cricket across the Wellington region.