Legacy of Wellington community champion to continue through Joe Aspell Fund.  

Former Wellington City Councillor, Joe Aspell MBE. Image Copyright: Evening Post. Wellington City Council Archives, 00592-302.

During his lifetime, former Wellington City Councillor, Joe Aspell MBE, rarely spoke about the things he did for others. 

It was a trait that was probably instilled in childhood, influenced by his Catholic upbringing, community-focused family, and role as the eldest of six boys.

“For Joe, giving was just something you did – you didn’t talk about it, you just got on with it," said a family member. 

Instead, the stories of Joe’s generosity were shared by others: By the family who were loaned a house deposit so they could remain living there; the friend who borrowed Joe’s car, leaving him without one before a lengthy trip; the families who received hams on Christmas mornings, making Joe late for his own Christmas celebrations; the many individuals who benefited from alcohol and drug dependence support at Aspell House; and the thousands of Wellington youth who have been supported through the Joe Aspell Trust.  

“There are not many people who know the personal acts of help and charity that Joe has quietly performed for his fellow citizens in his beloved Wellington,” said then Executive Director of the National Society on Alcoholism and Drug Addiction, Roy Johnston, stated in Joe’s 1986 council campaign pamphlet. 

Four years later, crowds gathered at St Mary of the Angel’s on Wellington’s Boulcott Street to remember Joe and his brother Leo, who had died just hours apart. “Quietly and unobtrusively, the brothers helped many charities and deserving causes, but shunned publicity for all they did,” eulogised Bishop Owen Dolan.  

“Much of their work was quiet and hidden. The good they did for the Church and the city is known only to God. We are all richer for their presence and we give thanks for their long and useful lives – lives spent in generosity, goodness and the affirmation and support of others.” 

Born in 1914 to Thomas and Anne Aspell, Joe was the eldest of six boys – Leo, Everard, Denis, Tom, and Kevin. All educated at St Kevin’s College in Oamaru, the boys were talented sportsmen and musicians. In a 1990 obituary piece published in the New Zealand Tablet, it said, “it would be a rare occurrence indeed, if in that period, there was not an Aspell in the first XV or first XI.”  

Sport was a passion that would continue throughout Joe’s life. While he competed in amateur boxing and rugby in his younger years, he continued to enjoy tramping, golf, bowls, cricket, rugby, and was involved with horse racing. He was also a winter and summer swimmer at Oriental Bay even into his late 70s.  

Although purely recreational, sporting endeavours were not immune to Joe’s generosity. The proceeds from the annual Aspell Family bowling tournament were donated to charity, and the Joe Aspell Cup continues to be awarded to young Marist St Pat’s Rugby players every year.  

Joe’s parents were well-known in Canterbury. Shortly after arriving from County Wexford, Ireland in 1905, his father Thomas Senior became the Licensee of the Springston Hotel, followed by the Albury, Methven, and Leeston Hotels. Upon moving to Christchurch, the family resided at the Eastern Hotel on Fitzgerald Avenue; a business the sons would all work in over time.  

Although Everard and Tom sadly died young, Everard killed in a Wellington bomber over Malta in WWII, and Tom succumbing to ill health, Leo and Joe, Denis and Kevin, would continue to pursue successful careers in hospitality, operating from several venues throughout New Zealand, including the heritage listed Thistle Inn in Wellington.  

A career in public service 

The Aspell brothers were close their whole lives, keeping in touch by phone. In 1968, Joe moved from Auckland to Wellington to be closer to business and family.  

Finding a love for his new city, Joe became actively involved in public service and was elected as the Councillor for the Lambton Ward in 1974.  

As a Councillor, Joe was passionate about bringing life and events into the city, investing in key infrastructure, and fuelling the local economy. He was a strong advocate for the development of Wellington Airport’s new domestic terminal, the Courtenay Place area, civic centre, the Wellington waterfront, and the sewage treatment plant at Moa Point.  

Joe was continuously concerned with vulnerability and inequities within the community, supporting groups concerned with a wide range of issues. In what was perhaps a progressive move at the time, Joe advocated for the installation of wheelchair ramps in public toilets; something which is now a norm. He was also a keen supporter of local representation, believing that politicians should live and know the issues of the ward or electorate to which they were elected. It was this belief that eventually would end his political career, as he withdrew as the Labour candidate for the Eastern Ward, stating that he wished to continue to stand in the Lambton Ward – close to his home in Oriental Bay. 

Throughout his tenure, Joe was well-regarded for his practical, positive approach. “[Joe] has served the Wellington City Council with distinction and has brought a commonsense approach to Council decisions,” said Dennis Duggan, former member of the Labour Representation Committee.  

Former Mayor, Sir Michael Fowler, regarded Joe as a “great Councillor who was immensely constructive. When he rose to speak you knew he would be practical and positive.” 

A life dedicated to service 

In 1986, Joe was awarded an MBE for services to the community. Although in characteristic Joe style, the award was accepted with humility, there was a party to follow at his Oriental Bay home; a chance for everyone to finally celebrate his many contributions.  

Although Joe had no children of his own, he found immense enjoyment in spending time with young people, those staying at Aspell House, particularly.  

In Joe’s obituary in the Evening Post, the Board, management and team of the National Society of Alcoholism and Drug Dependence NZ paid tribute to his volunteer contributions there. 

“A lot of people owe a great deal to him, some maybe their lives. For it was through the generosity of this great benefactor that a great many alcoholics and drug dependent people were given the opportunity for their recovery.” 

A legacy for youth 

It may have been this connection to youth that informed Joe’s next and last chapter of generosity. Amongst other gifts left to many local and international charities, Joe left a portion of his estate to help young people in Wellington in his will.  

The Joe Aspell Trust was established in 1990 to support the lives, education and welfare of disadvantaged youth within Wellington.

“So many of Joe’s endeavours, from his work in public service to his connection with young people at Aspell House, were focused on creating better outcomes for the next generation. The Joe Aspell Trust was just another way for Joe to give back to future generations,” shares one family member. 

Administered by the Wellington City Council and chaired by the standing Mayor of Wellington City with Joe’s family members represented on the Trust, The Joe Aspell Trust supported many organisations delivering educational programmes and providing youth with transformative opportunities to upskill, build capabilities and gain confidence.  

These include grants given to Youthline to support volunteer training costs, the Wellington City Mission to help fund their alternative education programme and the Sexual Abuse Prevention Network to provide key tools and resources to youth with intellectual disabilities.  

“Our goal is really to give young people a chance to be their best selves, as Joe encouraged so many to be,” says a family member. 

A new chapter of generosity 

A few years ago, the trustees of The Joe Aspell Trust started to think about the next chapter and how they could ensure that Joe’s generous spirit continued to be felt long into the future. 

“It has been such a pleasure to be the guardians of Joe’s gift to Wellington’s youth for the last 30 years,” says Business Performance Manager, Mark Farrar, “However, we felt it was time to pass it over to a community foundation.” 

After researching and speaking with Nikau Foundation, the trustees decided that transferring the trust and establishing The Joe Aspell Fund was an effective way of futureproofing, minimising costs and maximising impact.  

“Nikau are really connected to what is happening in the community space, and grant-making is their bread and butter,” says Mark. “We have full confidence that the next chapter of Joe’s legacy is in the best possible hands.” 

As The Joe Aspell Trust did for so many years, The Joe Aspell Fund will assist in enabling disadvantaged young people to access education, gain experience and skills, and build their own capabilities. 

“Joe Aspell lived a life of service that is both humbling and inspiring. He understood giving in a way which is locally informed,” says Nikau Foundation Executive Director, Em Lewis. “To be the guardian of the next chapter of his generosity is a huge privilege and pleasure.” 

Although Joe was quiet about the things he did for others during his lifetime, his impact will echo loudly for many years to come. 


Legacy of support for Wellington children and families to continue through Wellington Children’s Foundation Fund.