Planning for the future

Max Koh has always been someone who has financially planned for the future. So when it came to making her will, it was important to her to leave something to the causes she cared about most.  

Sensible with a pragmatic approach. At the age of 14, Max Koh joined Kiwisaver which, she says, enabled her to buy her first house, on her own, in her mid-twenties. 

As a home-owner, Max wanted to ensure that she had planned for the future, and part of this meant making a will. Driven to give something back when she is gone, Max made the decision to gift her estate to Nikau Foundation which in turn will provide essential and sustainable funding to the causes she cares about most -  Cats Protection Wellington and Wellington Women’s Refuge. 

“I like the idea of an endowment fund where the giving will go on forever. It is a much better way to give to my causes for the long-term through Nikau Foundation, rather than giving a sum of money directly to the charities to be spent.” 

Max says that she doesn’t want to have children so it makes sense to make a plan now for future of her assets. She adds, “Even if I did want children I would still give in my will to the causes I care about.” 

Support these charities continue their transformational work by making a donation to The Max Koh Fund for Meow Meows.   


An intergenerational fund