Inspiring the next generation of climate activists.

Encouraging kaitiakitanga roles for our youth.

In response to global environmental threats, education organisation Mountains to Sea Wellington (MTSW) is taking things local to address human impacts on oceans and waterways. “Our primary goal is to foster kaitiakitanga (guardianship) of the rivers, harbours and coastlines,” says Co-Director Sarah Kachwalla, “we want all of our students to feel empowered to make an impact on their doorstep.” 

Founded in 2008, MTSW established itself as a trust in 2017. They now deliver four programmes, all designed to inspire a greater appreciation of nature and a keener understanding of key conservation issues. These programmes, Experiencing Marine Reserves (EMR), Whitebait Connection and Healthy Harbours, which each run for the duration of a school term, and Love Rimurimu, which takes place over a year, are immersive in nature and include classroom education, field trips and volunteer-guided snorkelling. “Our students’ favourite part is putting on their snorkels,” says Sarah, “we have to remind them to silently swim rather than excitedly squeal!” 

Creative conservation solutions 

Throughout all programmes, students are encouraged to observe the differences between conserved and threatened marine and freshwater environments. At the end of each term, they are challenged to come up with an action plan to combat human impacts. "The ideas children come up with are super creative," says Sarah, "from launching stream cleanups and restoration planting initiatives to painting a mural to bring awareness to pollution in our waterways - it's inspiring to see how enthusiastic they are!” 

Funding for expansion 

With the demand for environmental education at an all-time high, MTSW sought funding to deliver the Whitebait Connection programmes to schools with fewer resources "For us, it is really important that we remain as accessible as possible, which is why this funding is so crucial" says Sarah, “every child should be given the opportunity to connect with nature and to effect positive change for our environment.” 

Nikau Foundation was delighted to give $2000 from the Richard and Doreen Evans Trust to support programme delivery to three schools, 109 students and 11 adults in Porirua.  

To find out more about Mountains to Sea, please visit Mountains To Sea Wellington.


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