How likely is my organisation to receive funding?
As we are a community foundation, we are not dedicated to supporting one single cause. Instead, we are here to support the changing needs of our communities while working alongside our donors to honour their giving goals.
Because of this, our funding focus changes and we have varying levels of funding available to support different areas year-on-year. The best way to gauge your organisation’s likelihood of receiving funding is to take a look at our eligibility criteria and at what we funded last year.
We would also recommend that you take a look at our ‘how we work’ page here.

2024 Nikau funding
This is what our funding looked like in 2024.
Note: these primary funding areas were determined by the organisations applying but quite often they will fall into multiple categories.
*Greater Wellington refers to organisations working or delivering services in more than one locality in Te Upoko-o-te-Ika-a-Māui, the Greater Wellington region.